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Press Releases

Travel-alert Level Lowered for Rawalpindi, Pakistan


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to lower the travel-alert level for Rawalpindi, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, to Yellow Alert (travel-alert Level 2, Highly Cautious) from the previous Red Alert (travel-alert Level 3, Travel Restricted), effective from November 7, 2018.


o The decision was made in consideration of the overall improvement in the security situation in all regions of Pakistan after the country’s general election in July, 2018. In particular, the security situation appears to have improved, given the fact that as a result of continued counterterrorism operations by the military and the police in Punjab, where Rawalpindi is located, foreign companies are increasing their presence and more foreigners are visiting the region.


2. Though the travel-alert level for Rawalpindi has been adjusted, the nationals of the Republic of Korea staying in the Pakistani region are advised to continue to pay special heed to their safety. Those planning to travel to Pakistan are advised to seriously reconsider the need to do so.


3. The Foreign Ministry will review whether to further adjust the travel-alert level for Rawalpindi, Pakistan, after closely monitoring the public security situation as well as the possibility of terrorist moves and political unrest in the region.



* unofficial translation