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Press Releases

Spokesperson’s Commentary on UN Human Rights Council’s Adoption of Resolution on Situation of Human Rights in DPRK


1. The government of the Republic of Korea welcomes the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)’s adoption by consensus of a resolution on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, North Korea) on March 23, Geneva time, during its 37th session.


A similar resolution was adopted by consensus during the 34th UNHRC session in 2017.


2. The government of the Republic of Korea notes with appreciation that in this resolution, the UNHRC “welcomed the momentum of inter-Korean dialogue created on the occasion of the participation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the Olympic Winter Games, held in PyeongChang, and the recent progress in inter-Korean relations”; and “noted the importance of dialogue, including inter-Korean dialogue, for the improvement of the human rights and humanitarian situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”


3. The government of the Republic of Korea also notes that in its resolution, the UNHRC underscored the need to protect the human rights of families separated during the Korean War and detainees, including by bringing attention to “the urgency and importance of the issue of separated families”; and urging North Korea “to provide nationals of other countries detained in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with protections, including… access to consular officers… and any other necessary arrangements to confirm their status and to communicate with their families.”


4. The government of the Republic of Korea takes note of the fact that in this resolution, the UNHRC “noted with appreciation the visit of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” in 2017 and “the participation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the Paralympic Winter Games, held in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea” in 2018; and urged North Korea to work more closely with the UN’s human rights mechanisms.


5. The government of the Republic of Korea, together with the international community, will make ceaseless efforts to achieve tangible improvements in the human rights situation in North Korea.



* unofficial translation