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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

UN Security Council Adopts Resolution 2397 on North Korea


1. In response to North Korea’s long-range ballistic missile launch on November 29, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2397 containing additional sanctions against North Korea on December 23 (December 22, New York time) pursuant to Article 41 (non-military sanctions), Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

o Security Council Resolution 2397 consists of 7 clauses in the preamble, 29 in the main body and 2 annexes.

※ Resolution 2397 marks the tenth sanctions resolution the Security Council has adopted on North Korea, following Resolutions 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), 2094 (2013), 2270 (2016), 2321 (2016), 2356 (2017), 2371 (2017) and 2375 (2017).

2. In Security Council Resolution 2397, the international community strongly condemns North Korea’s ballistic missile launch, and by imposing additional supplementary sanctions tougher than those in the previous resolutions, it also sends to the North Korean regime a stern warning that it is the North’s only option to immediately stop reckless provocations, and return to the path of dialogue for denuclearization and peace.

3. Security Council Resolution 2397 strengthens measures to limit the amount of oil provided to North Korea; requires countries to repatriate to North Korea all North Korean laborers abroad within 24 months; adds new items to the list of goods prohibited from being imported from or exported to North Korea; strengthens maritime interdiction measures; and adds new individuals and entity to the UN’s sanctions list -- measures seen to be tougher than the existing sanctions measures on North Korea.

o The new resolution significantly reduces the annual cap on refined petroleum exports to North Korea from the previous 2 million barrels to 500,000; caps crude exports at current levels of 4 million barrels annually; and stipulates that the Security Council will take additional measures to limit the amount of oil provided to North Korea, if the North engages in additional provocations, such as additional nuclear test or launch of an inter-continental ballistic missile.

o The resolution requires UN member states to repatriate to North Korea all North Korean laborers earning income in their countries within 24 months, and adds food, agricultural products, machinery, electrical equipment, wood and vessels to the list of goods prohibited from being imported from North Korea.

o Regarding maritime interdiction, the resolution requires member states to seize, inspect and freeze (impound) any vessel in their ports suspected of being involved in prohibited activities; authorizes member states to seize, inspect and freeze (impound) any vessel in their territorial waters suspected of being involved in prohibited activities; and requires member states to exchange information on the vessel with other member states.

o Furthermore, the resolution adds 16 new individuals (including Ri Pyong-chul, First Vice Director of the Munitions Industry Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea, and Kim Jong-sik, Deputy Director of the Munitions Industry Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea) and 1 entity (Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces) connected to the development and financing of North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs to the UN’s sanctions list.

4. The government of the Republic of Korea, under its firm principle that North Korea’s nuclear and missiles provocations cannot be tolerated under any circumstances, closely consulted with the members of the Security Council and made necessary diplomatic efforts in the process of adopting the new Security Council resolution.

o The ROK government will further strengthen cooperation with the international community to ensure the thorough implementation of all Security Council resolutions on North Korea, including Resolution 2397, and continue efforts to achieve a fundamental denuclearization of North Korea and to establish a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.

* unofficial translation