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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

Meetings of ROK and US/ROK and Japanese Chief Negotiators for Six-Party Talks to Take Place


1. Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Lee Do-hoon will hold a meeting of the ROK and US chief negotiators for the Six-Party Talks with Special Representative for North Korea Policy of the US Department of State Joseph Yun (October 20) and a meeting of the ROK and Japanese chief negotiators for the Six-Party Talks with Director-General of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau of the Japanese Foreign Ministry Kenji Kanasugi (October 18). The US and Japanese chief negotiators will visit the ROK to attend the ROK-US-Japan vice ministerial-level consultation (October 18).

2. In the upcoming meetings, which will mark the first official ones between the chief negotiators for the Six-Party Talks since Special Representative Lee’s inauguration, they will share their assessments of the current situation regarding North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, and engage in in-depth discussions on ways to respond to it, including strategies.

o In addition to the meetings, efforts are being made to hold meetings of the ROK and Chinese/ROK and Russian chief negotiators for the Six-Party Talks as early as possible.

* unofficial translation