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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Commentary on Adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2371


1. The government of the Republic of Korea welcomes the UN Security Council’s unanimous adoption of Resolution 2371 on August 5, New York time, in response to the ballistic missile launches by North Korea on July 4 and 28.

2. In its new resolution, the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the ballistic missile launches by North Korea and imposed additional sanctions that are tougher than the ones under the previous sanctions resolutions, thereby expressing once again the firm commitment of the international community to never tolerate the nuclear and missile ambitions of the North.

3. North Korea should take seriously the warning issued by the international community in unison by adopting the Security Council resolution; immediately stop reckless provocations that pose a threat to international peace and security; and come forward as soon as possible onto the path of dialogue set by the ROK government and the international community for denuclearization and peace.

4. Going forward, the ROK government, in close coordination with the international community, will thoroughly implement Resolution 2371 and all the other relevant Security Council sanctions resolutions on North Korea in continued efforts to achieve a fundamental denuclearization of North Korea and establish permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula.

* unofficial translation