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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with the IAEA Director-General


1. During his visit to Vienna, Austria, to chair the second International Conference on Nuclear Security of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano on December 4. In the meeting, the two sides discussed the North Korean nuclear issue, the IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security, and ways for the Republic of Korea and the IAEA to work together.

2. Minister Yun stressed that under the grave circumstance, where North Korea has conducted two nuclear tests in 2016 alone and resumed reprocessing spent nuclear fuel, it is more important ever for the international community to firmly address the North Korean nuclear issue.

° Minister Yun extended appreciation to Director-General Amano for issuing a statement strongly condemning North Korea’s nuclear test, for adopting the unprecedentedly tough IAEA resolution on the North Korean nuclear program at the 60th Annual Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference in September, and for thereby sending a firm international message to North Korea. He voiced hope for continued close cooperation between the ROK and the IAEA in addressing the North Korean nuclear issue.

° Director-General Amano, expressing deep concern over North Korea’s nuclear activities, including nuclear tests and reprocessing work at its Yongbyon facilities, stated that the IAEA, aware of the gravity of the situation, will take necessary steps and always stands ready to inspect North Korea’s nuclear facilities.

3. Minister Yun called the IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security on December 5 and 6 -- the first international high-level meeting on nuclear security since the end of the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process -- an important milestone in the IAEA-led efforts to build an international nuclear security regime. He asked the IAEA to play a pivotal role in that regard.

° IAEA Director-General Amano, extending appreciation to Minister Yun for assuming the chairmanship of the forthcoming International Conference on Nuclear Security, expressed his confidence that under the leadership of the Minister, the event will be successful. He also commended the ROK delegation for, many difficulties notwithstanding, drawing an agreement on the ministerial declaration to be adopted at the meeting.

4. Director-General Amano commended the ROK for its many contributions as an IAEA member over the past 60 years in such fields as technical cooperation, nuclear safety and safeguards, and nuclear security, among many others, voicing hope for closer cooperation between the ROK and the IAEA down the road. Minister Yun responded that the ROK, the only recipient-turned-donor member of the IAEA and the world’s No. 6 nuclear powerhouse, will contribute more in diverse areas.

* unofficial translation