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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with his Counterpart from the Republic of the Congo


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with Foreign Minister Jean-Claude Gakosso of the Republic of the Congo on November 8. In their meeting, the two top diplomats exchanged views on a wide range of matters of mutual concern, including the relations between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of the Congo; ways to increase substantive cooperation on economy and development; ways to work together on the international stage; and the situations on the Korean Peninsula and in Africa.

2. Minister Yun, commending Congo for maintaining stability and growth despite the political and economic uncertainties in Africa, proposed that the ROK and Congo take advantage of Minister Gakosso’s first visit to the ROK to further advance the bilateral relations.

° Minister Gakosso mentioned that Congo, with its priority on economic development and using its abundant oil and water resources, is working to become a hub for energy, industry and tourism in the region. On that note, he voiced hope to learn from the ROK’s development experience and work closely with the country.

3. Minister Gakosso, bringing attention to Congo’s efforts to set up its first special economic zone in Pointe-Noire, expressed expectation for investment by Korean companies in the region. Extending appreciation to the ROK for its assistance with information and communications technology (ICT) and automobiles over the years, the Minister asked for the ROK’s assistance with Congo’s projects, such as for establishing an industrial training center for the development of human resources.

° Minister Yun, taking note of the significance of the special economic zone in Pointe-Noire and its economic implications, stated that the possibility of Korean companies’ participation in the project will be mulled over. He added that close consultations will be held with relevant organizations to seek ways to increase development cooperation with Congo.

4. Minister Yun brought attention to the fact that North Korea, in disregard of the poor human rights situation and livelihoods of its people, has been channeling its scarce resources into nuclear tests and missile launches in order to maintain the regime -- two nuclear tests and 24 missile launches in 2016 alone. He asked Congo to take an active part in international efforts to strengthen condemnation of and intensify pressure on North Korea in response to such moves by the North.

° Minister Gakosso mentioned that Congo, a country that had used to pursue socialism in the past, wants peace and thus is opposed to the development of nuclear weapons, expressing regret over North Korea’s failure to use its resources for the country and its people.

5. On the heels of their meeting, the two Ministers signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries. By doing so, the two sides reaffirmed their strong commitment to advance their bilateral relations and agreed to hold high-level meetings between their Foreign Ministries on a regular basis.

* unofficial translation