1. The government of the Republic of Korea released the Political Statement that contains the
supports and commitments of leaders of states and major international organizations participating
in the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan (Busan HLF-4), including President
Lee Myung-bak, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton,
to the implementation of the outcome of the Busan HLF-4. In the Political Statement, the leaders
agreed to:
o support the outcome document
o build more inclusive partnerships in line with the changes in the landscape of development
cooperation amid the emergence of new state and non-state development actors by introducing
new development models such as South-South and triangular cooperation.
- embrace diversity and recognize the role of new actors
- play a catalytic role in directing diverse resources and tools in ways that support the priorities of
developing countries and make development happen.
o define the shared principles and actions for various actors and stress the importance of the
political leadership in delivering development.
* The four shared principles are the ownership of development priorities by developing countries,
focus on results, inclusive development partnerships, and transparency and accountability to each
o recognize that development is critical to global prosperity and security and set it as a policy priority
o focus on implementing their respective actions at the country level and hold each other accountable.
2. The Political Statement is seen as a major achievement in mustering the political will of leaders
of states, civic groups, and parliaments toward more inclusive “development partnerships” to
ensure effective development cooperation beyond the aid effectiveness paradigm.
3. In addition, as it explains the content of the outcome document of the Busan HLF-4 with simple
and plain language, the Political Statement is expected to contribute to laying the foundation for
wider public support for development cooperation by enhancing the public understanding and
Attached: the full text of the Political Statement
Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT
* unofficial translation