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Press Releases

IAEA General Conference Resolution on North Korea's Nuclear Issue


IAEA adopted a resolution on North Korea's nuclear issue at the 47th General Conference on September 19, 




The General Conference, 

(a)     Recalling the Board of Governors' resolutions GOV/2636, GOV/2639, GOV/2645, GOV/2692, GOV/2711, 
GOV/2742, GOV/2002/60, and GOV/2003/3, as well as General Conference resolutions GC(XXXVII)/ RES/624, 
GC(XXXVIII)/RES/16, GC(39)/RES/3, GC(40)/RES/4, GC(41)/ RES/22, GC(42)/RES/2, GC(43)/RES/3, 
GC(44)/RES/26, GC(45)/RES/16, and GC(46)/RES/14,

(b)     Noting in particular the resolution of the Board of Governors in GOV/2003/14 of 12 February 2003, in 
which the Board declared that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was in further non-compliance with 
its safeguards agreement, and decided to report the DPRK's non-compliance to the UN Security Council,

(c)     Noting statements by a wide range of high-level multilateral bodies regarding the DPRK nuclear 
programmes, which make clear that this is an issue of concern to the international community,

(d)     Noting with concern repeated official DPRK statements declaring its intention to build up a nuclear 
deterrent force, while noting also its statements in support of a nuclear weapon free Peninsula,

(e) Conscious that a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons would contribute positively to regional and 
global peace and security, but noting that any nuclear weapons programme by the DPRK would undermine 
this objective, and

(f)     Having considered the Director General's report contained in document GC(47)19, which describes the 
DPRK's unilateral actions which render the Agency unable to verify that nuclear material has not been 


1.  Strongly endorses the actions taken by the Board of Governors and commends the impartial efforts of the 
Director General and the Secretariat  to apply comprehensive safeguards in the DPRK;

2.  Deplores the steps taken by the DPRK which led to the Board decision of 12 February 2003 to find the 
DPRK in non-compliance with its NPT safeguards agreement;

3.  Further deplores the DPRK's continued unwillingness to enter into the substantive dialogue which it was 
offered by the IAEA and to permit the application of comprehensive safeguards;

4.  Urges the DPRK to reconsider those actions and announcements which run contrary to voluntarily 
undertaken international non-proliferation obligations;

5.  Calls upon the DPRK to promptly accept comprehensive IAEA safeguards and cooperate with the Agency 
in their full and effective implementation;

6.  Urges the DPRK to completely dismantle any nuclear weapons programme in a prompt, transparent, 
verifiable and irreversible manner, maintaining the essential verification role of the IAEA;

7.  Stresses its desire for a peaceful resolution through dialogue to the DPRK nuclear issue, leading to a 
nuclear weapon free Korean Peninsula, with a view to maintaining peace and security in the region;

8.  Strongly encourages diplomatic efforts to facilitate a peaceful resolution of the DPRK nuclear issue, and 
particularly welcomes the six-party talks which took place in Beijing from 27 to 29 August 2003, and the 
consensus that emerged from those talks, as a clear step in the right direction;

9. Supports the international community's peaceful efforts in all available and appropriate forums to address 
the challenge posed by the DPRK nuclear issue; and

10. Decides to remain seized of the matter and to include the item in the agenda for its forty-eighth regular 