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Ministry News

Outcome of ROK-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


Outcome of ROK-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

1. Minister of Foreign Affairs Chung Eui-yong held a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken in Honolulu, Hawaii, on the afternoon of February 12, local time.

2. The two ministers recognized that the ROK-U.S. alliance, a linchpin of peace, security, and prosperity in the region and the world, continues to develop into a comprehensive and mutually beneficial alliance.

O Minister Chung noted that the U.S. government’s recent Indo-Pacific Strategy reaffirms the U.S.’ will to engage in the region, and Secretary Blinken noted that holding the ROK-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Honolulu following Secretary Blinken’s visit to Australia and Fiji reflects the importance of the ironclad ROK-U.S. alliance to the U.S. and also the strong will of the U.S. to engage in the region.

3. Both sides expressed concern about the DPRK’s recent ballistic missile launches and committed to close cooperation for preventing further deterioration of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and for resuming dialogue with the DPRK soon. 

O Minister Chung acknowledged that the ROK and the U.S. have worked together based on a fully coordinated DPRK strategy, and looked forward to continuing close consultation between the two countries to achieve complete denuclearization and establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. 

4. Also, the two ministers shared concerns about the Russian military build-up along Ukraine’s borders and expressed unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. In addition, both sides exchanged their views on regional issues including Myanmar and Iran.

5. The two ministers noted with appreciation that the ROK-U.S. alliance continues to expand its scope of cooperation across a wide range of issues related to regions such as ASEAN, Central America, and Pacific Island Countries, and committed to continuing active cooperation to address global issues including COVID-19, climate change, and supply chains.