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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Joint Declaration on The Denuclearization of The Korean Peninsula


Joint Declaration on The Denuclearization of The Korean Peninsula  
South and North Korea,

In order to eliminate the danger of nuclear war through the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, to create conditions and an environment favourable to peace and the peaceful unification of Korea, and thus to contribute to the peace and security of Asia and the world,

Declare as follows;

1. South and North Korea shall not test, manufacture, produce, receive, possess, store, deploy or use nuclear weapons. 

2. South and North Korea shall use nuclear energy solely for peaceful purposes.

3. South and North Korea shall not possess nuclear reprocessing and uranium enrichment facilities. 

4. In order to verify the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, South and North Korea shall conduct inspections of particular subjects chosen by the other side and agreed upon between the two sides, in accordance with the procedures and methods to be determined by the South-North Joint Nuclear Control Commission. 

5. In order to implement this joint declaration, South and North Korea shall establish and operate a South-North Joint Nuclear Control Commission within one month of the entry into force of this joint declaration; 

6. This joint declaration shall enter into force from the date the South and the North exchange the appropriate instruments following the completion of their respective procedures for bringing it into effect.

January 20, 1992

Chung Won-shik                              Yon Hyong-muk

Chief Delegate                                  Head
of the South                                    of the North
delegation to the                                delegation to the
South-North                                    South-North
High-Level Negotiations                         High-Level Negotiations
                                                Premier of the
Prime Minister of the                           Administration Council of
Republic of Korea                               the Democratic People's
                                                Republic of Korea