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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Minister of Foreign Affairs Meets with Executive Director of World Food Programme (WFP)


1. Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Kyung-wha met with Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP) David Beasley at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 13.


2. The two sides took note of the continued expansion of cooperation between the Republic of Korea, a responsible member of the international community, and the WFP, an organization leading the UN’s humanitarian assistance, amid deepening humanitarian crises across the world. They also agreed to continue cooperation to achieve “Zero Hunger.”


3. In addition, Executive Director Beasley briefed Minister Kang on a joint FAO/WFP rapid Food Security Assessment in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and both sides exchanged views on findings of assessment.   


4. The two sides also discussed cooperation in humanitarian assistance for developing countries, and the ROK’s sharing of its development experience.



* unofficial translation