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경제통상관련 기관들의 연락처

경제통상관련 기관들의 연락처 Trade partner organizations in Washington State 1. State of Washington, Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, International Trade Division (CTED) 2001 6th Avenue, Suite 2600 Seattle, WA 98121 Larry Williams, Director Ph: 206-256-6100 or 206-256-6129 (Direct) Fax: 206-256-6158 Email: larryw@cted.wa.gov www.exportwashington.com The CTED assists WA State businesses in profitably accessing, building international trade relationships, and advocating the importance of international trade to WA’s economy. Several trade specialists (handling different industry sectors) assist SME companies in export strategy development or in promoting trade events/ trade fairs. Six Overseas Representatives: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Germany, Mexico and China (Shanghai) Korea Rep for CTED ? Andrew Yang (Injib Yang) in Seoul, 822-722-9056 2. Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle (TDA) 1301 5th Avenue, 25th Floor Seattle, WA 98101 Bill Stafford, President Ph: 206-389-7301 (206-389-7307 Direct) Fax: 206-624-5689 Email: bills@seattlechamber.com www.seattletradealliance.com Sam Kaplan, Vice President Ph: 206-389-7306 (Direct) Email: samk@seattlechamber.com The TDA is a collaboration of the Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, Metropolitan King County Government, Snohomish County Government, Pierce County Government, City of Seattle, City of Everett, Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce and union leadership to promote the trade interests of this region in domestic and international markets. The TDA is born out of recognition that new local partnerships are necessary to retain the region’s future competitiveness in a rapidly changing global economy. The mission of the TDA is to promote Greater Seattle, including King, Snohomish and Pierce Counties, as one of North America’s premier international gateways and commercial centers. The TDA leads two trade missions and one education mission to foreign countries each year, and also partners with major corporations in Washington ? Microsoft, Boeing, Weyerhaeuser and Starbucks, to name a few. The TDA also organizes trade related seminars and roundtable discussion opportunities on many countries, many industry sectors and interesting topics. 3. Washington Council on International Trade Council (WCIT) World Trade Center Seattle Building 2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 430 Seattle, WA 98121-1684 Bill Center, President Ph: 206 443-3826 Fax: 206-443-3828 Email: bcenter@wcit.org www.wcit.org The Washington Council on International Trade (WCIT) is a private, non-profit, non-partisan association comprised of private sector businesses, public sector and state government representatives, academia, consular groups and individuals. For almost three decades, the Council has been advocating on the benefits of a flourishing trade base. WCIT is a well-known and highly respected resource for elected representatives, the media, educators and community groups. It offers trade awareness on key federal and state trade-related issues. The Trade Council advocates for good trade policy. Good trade policy means improved quality of life and prosperity for our communities and our trading partners. WCIT offers trade-policy related seminars or discussion meetings for citizens in Washington State. WCIT is hosting U.S.-Korea FTA meetings in Seattle in September 2006. 4. World Trade Club World Trade Center Seattle Building 2200 Alaskan Way P.O. Box 488 Seattle, WA 98121-1684 Ms. Elsa Trail Ph: 206-686-3736 Email: elsa.trail@gte.net www.worldtradeclub.net Established in 1946, the World Trade Club is a non-profit & membership organization. The Annual Dinner is a signature event for the World Trade Club, its members and the international business community during which the WTClub presents two awards: the Governor’s Trader of the Year and the Governor’s Emerging Trader of the Year. Each award recognizes a Washington-based company that has contributed in a substantial way to developing or facilitating international trade in Washington State. 5. World Trade Center Tacoma (WTC Tacoma) 950 Pacific Avenue, Suite 310 Tacoma, WA 98402 Mr. Andreas Udbye, Executive Director Ph: 253-396-1022 Fax: 253-396-1033 Email: udbye@wtcta.org www.wtcta.org WTC Tacoma organizes international trade related events and programs. Recently in an effort to expand its network, the WTC Tacoma became involved in trade policy issues and engaged elected officials activities. WTC Tacoma also hosts an Annual Globe Award Dinner in (usually) February. 6. World Affairs Council Seattl 2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 450 Seattle, WA 98121 Ian H. Moncaster, President & CEO Ph: 206-441-5910 x 311 Fax: 206-441-5908 Email: imoncaster@world-affairs.org www.world-affairs.org The World Affairs Council of Seattle, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, is the leading foreign affairs forum in the Pacific Northwest. Since 1951, the Council’s purpose has been to promote greater understanding of global affairs in our Puget Sound community through a balance of public events, educational activities and the international visitor program (VIP). Members of the Council include schools, public institutions, businesses, and individuals, who want first hand information on global issues and direct participation in international exchange. The WAC Seattle focuses on international VIP or social /educational issues, and organizes public forum on those issues. 7. World Affairs Council Tacoma (WAC Tacoma) c/o Bates Technical College 1101 Yakima Ave S. M123 Tacoma, WA 98405 Barbara Kuhn, President of WAC Tacoma International Programs Director, Bates Technical College Email: bkuhn@bates.ctc.edu http://www.wactacoma.org/ WAC Tacoma serves the communities in the South Sound region. Their major programs are “Great Decisions” presidential election discussion forum and “Annual Consular Reception” that is usually held in Tacoma. More than 20+ Consular Corp members are invited and attended. 8. Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Regional Transportation, Growth Management and Economic Development Planning 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98104-1035 Bob Drewel, Executive Director Ph: 206-464-7515 Fax: 206-587-4825 Email: bdrewl@psrc.org www.psrc.org Assistant to Drewel: Sylvia Nelson Email: snelson@psrc.org PSRC’s major programs are Prosperity Partnership and Workforce. The Prosperity Partnership is a coalition of over 200 government, business, labor and community organizations from King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Snohomish counties dedicated to developing and implementing a common economic strategy. The members shared goal is two-fold: long-term economic prosperity and 100,000 new jobs for the central Puget Sound region. PSRC is a supporting arm for the Governor and her public policy and government management directions. Mr. Drewel has an extensive and impressive background in public service ? three terms of Snohomish County County Executive and Everett Community College President. 9. Port of Seattle Pier 69 on Alaskan Way Seattle, WA 98111 www.portseattle.org Ms. Linda Strout, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Ph: 206-728-3206 Fax: 206-728-3164 Email: Strout.l@portseattle.org Paul Isaki, Director, Economic, business & Trade Development Ph: 206-728-3635 Fax: 206-728-3754 Email: isaki@portseattle.or Ms. Tong Zhu, Director, International Relations Ph: 206-728-3112 Fax: 206-728-3754 Zhu.t@portseattle.org Tom Green Senior Business Development Analyst, Aviation Business Development Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Ph: 206-988-5543 Fax: 206-439-6620 Email: green.tom@portseattle.org The Port of Seattle manages both Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and Seattle Port. Hanjin Shipping has an office at the Pier 46 of the Port of Seattle on Alaskan Way (401 Alaskan Way, Terminal 46 Seattle, WA 98104) 10. Port of Tacoma 1 Sitcum Way Tacoma, WA 98421 www.portoftacoma.com Tim Ferrel, Executive Director Email: tferrel@portoftacoma.com Rod Koon, Senior Director, Marketing and Public Relations Ph: 253-383-9462 Fax: 253-593-4570 Email: rkoon@portoftacoma.com Doug Ljungren, Business Planning Manager Ph: 253-383-9470 Fax: 253-593-4534 Email: dljungren@portoftacoma.com
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