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제5차 여성과 함께하는 평화 국제회의 개회사(11.30)

2023-11-30 16:49:23

Opening Remarks by H.E. Mr. Park Jin

Minister of Foreign Affairs 

The Fifth International Conference on “Action with Women and Peace”

Opening Session / November 30, 2023

Distinguished Guests, 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Good morning. 

I am Park Jin, 

Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea.

I am delighted to welcome you to the 5th International Conference on Action with Women and Peace.

I express my sincere gratitude to all of you 

for joining us today, especially those who have traveled to Seoul.

I also wish to extend my appreciation 

to the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue 

for their valuable partnership 

in organizing this conference.

Today, we have the privilege of hosting a diverse and distinguished group of speakers, ranging from policymakers to frontline practitioners, 

all dedicated to advancing 

the women, peace, and security (WPS) agenda.

We convene at a time 

when the world faces an escalation 

in conflicts and crises. 

Since 2017, 

the number of women and girls 

living in conflict-affected regions 

has increased by fifty percent.

Regrettably, women and girls 

often bear the brunt of the crises, 

with their voices overshadowed 

by other global emergencies.

In Gaza, for instance, 

almost seventy percent of the casualties 

in the ongoing conflict are women and children. 

In Afghanistan, women and girls 

are being denied their basic rights, 

including access to education. 

And in North Korea, 

the regime’s prioritization of nuclear development 

over the welfare of its people 

forces many to flee, 

exposing women to further exploitation 

and human-trafficking.

Despite these grim circumstances, 

the resilience of the women leaders and survivors

present today offers a beacon of hope.

You stand as survivors of conflict, 

negotiators of peace, advocates for rights, 

and architects of our shared destiny.

Your participation today emphasizes

the essential role that women play 

in securing peace and security, 

as recognized by UN Security Council Resolution 1325. 

This resolution identifies women 

not just as victims of conflict 

but as powerful agents of change for lasting peace.

Yet, two decades since its adoption, 

our actions have yet to match our aspirations. 

The transformative promise 

of the WPS agenda is yet to be fully realized.

As Korea aspires to become 

a global pivotal state, or GPS in short, 

we are dedicated to rewriting this narrative. 

I believe Korea can become a true “GPS” 

by realizing “WPS” agenda. 

Our upcoming term at the UN Security Council from January 1 next year will be an opportunity 

to amplify women's voices 

and integrate their perspectives 

into the Council's work.

Next year, we will also launch 

the Action with Women and Peace Fund. 

This is to support women’s 

full and meaningful participation

in peace and security matters.

Our annual conferences 

will continue to provide a global platform 

to empower women and catalyze action 

to implement the WPS agenda in full.

This year, our conference will confront 

the challenge of promoting the WPS agenda 

in the Security Council 

in the face of deepening divisions.

We will gain insights 

from women on the forefront of peacebuilding

and discuss ways to enhance 

women’s participation in peace processes.

A special session will be dedicated 

to the specific tribulations 

faced by North Korean women.

And, for the first time, 

we will engage the youth 

in combating online gender-based violence, 

hoping to ensure that the WPS agenda 

remains relevant to future generations.

As we engage in today’s discussions, 

we aim to send out a clear message 

to women and girls worldwide:

Your voice is essential; 

Your engagement is critical 

to the peace and security we all hold dear.

I look forward to witnessing 

the powerful conversations that will unfold today.

Thank you. /FIN/