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제2차 스탠퍼드대 동아시아기술지정학 워크샵 축사(영상)

2023-11-08 16:38:46

제2차 스탠퍼드대 동아시아기술지정학 워크샵 축사(영상)

Hello everyone.

I am Park Jin.

Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea.

Mr. 김기환, President of the Korea Foundation,

Dr. Andrew Grotto of Stanford University,

Distinguished speakers and participants.

Let me start by thanking the Korea Foundation and the Cyber Policy Center at Stanford University for organizing this event.

This workshop addresses the increasingly central topic of Geopolitics of Technology in East Asia.

It is very appropriate that representatives not only from government, but also industry, and academia are taking part.

For the geopolitics of technology is fundamentally multi-dimensional and driven by multi-stakeholders.

More so than in the past, cutting-edge technology is a driving force that transforms both our way of life and the geopolitical landscape.

AI, quantum, bio, space, robotics and advanced semiconductors are part and parcel not only of economic, but also military competition.  

In the past, distinguishing technologies between military and civilian use was relatively straightforward.

In today’s hyper-connected, data-driven world, possessing the most data and the highest computing power has become decisive element of national power - both military and economic.

Gaps in technological prowess and innovation power significantly impact the strategic balance.

Nations are therefore fiercely competing to gain advantages in critical and newly emerging technologies.

This is no less true in East Asia and the broader Indo-Pacific.

Distinguished participants,

Fortunately, even as technology-driven geopolitical competition is becoming more intense, nations also recognize the importance of cooperation.

A range of international efforts are being made to build normative frameworks that maximize the benefits, while minimizing the risks of new technologies.

Korea has been a very active player in this regard across multiple domains.  

In the field of Artificial Intelligence,

Korea and The Netherlands co-hosted the first summit on the Responsible use of AI in the Military domain at the Hague in February.

At the meeting, some 60 countries endorsed the outcome document – or “Call to Action.”

We will be hosting the second summit in Seoul next year.  

Korea is committed to making sure that the military use of AI evolves in conformity with international humanitarian law.

During the AI Safety Summit held in the United Kingdom last week, Korea also announced its plan to host a virtual summit in six months.

In the domain of outer space, Korea is taking active part in relevant UN efforts in New York and Geneva.

These efforts are aimed at reducing threats and preventing an arms race in outer space.  

Korea is also a member of the Chip 4 with the US, Japan and Taiwan.

It has also joined the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework with 13 other partner countries.

These initiatives will help to enhance the resilience of critical semiconductor supply chains and make our economies more connected, greener and cleaner.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Nowhere has Korea’s commitment to putting technology at the center of its diplomacy been more evident, than in our alliance with the United States.

Celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, the Korea-US alliance has been upgraded into a Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance under the 윤석열 and Joe Biden administrations.

This encompasses not only military security, but also economic security and cutting-edge technology that allow our alliance to better navigate technology-driven changes in the geopolitical terrain.

For example, the inaugural Korea-US Space Forum was held in Seoul at the beginning of this week.

Our two countries are collaborating to help establish norms, rules and principles for responsible space behavior.

Furthermore, based on the ‘Spirit of Camp David’ adopted in August, Korea, the US and Japan will also deepen trilateral cooperation on advanced technologies, including in outer space.   

Indeed, the ROK-US-Japan trilateral space security meeting was formally launched today in Seoul.

Korea’s determination to be instrumental in shaping the rules of the road in future domains is a manifestation of its Global Pivotal State vision.

It is also in line with Korea’s ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy.’  

Under this Strategy, which was announced last December, strengthening cooperation in critical areas of science and technology is one of the nine core lines of efforts.

In the face of unprecedented opportunities and risks, nations are spawning a complex web of competition and collaboration.

Korea will do its utmost to ensure that the evolving landscape is rules-based and consistent with the shared universal values of freedom, democracy, rule of law and human rights.

To this end, I trust that the wisdom and insights that will be shared at this important workshop will be enlightening and future-oriented.   

Thank you.