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장관 주한EU 및 EFTA 회원국 대사 초청 오찬 연설 (12.20)

2005-12-21 11:19:06



Remarks by

H.E. Ban Ki-moon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

at a Luncheon in Honor of the Ambassadors of the Member States of the EU & EFTA


20 December 2005

(Minister's Official Residence)



    Excellencies and Charges d' affaires !


    It is my great pleasure and honour to host this luncheon for my European colleagues in Seoul.  I would like to thank you for attending this occasion at a time when your schedules are busy with  celebrations for Christmas and the end of this year.


    I would also like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all of you for your collaborative endeavors to achieve successful results and great progress in our efforts to bolster relations between Korea and the European countries over the course of this year.  


    Taking this opportunity, I would like to convey my most sincere gratitude to you for the meaningful encounters that we have shared throughout the year. In particular, I was most satisfied with my recent visit to Europe.  My heartfelt thanks go to all of you, as the success of my diplomatic activities is, in part, a direct result of your positive and honest reports on our relations to your respective headquarters.


[Recent Visit to Europe]


    I am very proud to announce that my recent visit to Belgium, Hungary and Slovenia has been extremely fruitful. Most importantly, I had many valuable opportunities to meet with the Foreign Ministers and other high-ranking officials of the three countries. These occasions allowed me to engage in a constructive exchange of views on the further promotion of the bilateral ties.  



    Secondly, I was able to host a luncheon meeting, inviting members of the European Parliament in Brussels. It provided me with the excellent chance to share  views on various issues concerning North Korea and Northeast Asia.  I have secured greater support and cooperation for making further progress in our efforts to address pending issues.


    Thirdly, I was also deeply honored to address the North Atlantic Council, being the first Korean, indeed the first Asian Foreign Minister, that had been asked to do so. This opportunity allowed me to deepen Europe's understanding of the security situation in Northeast Asia, including the Korean Peninsula, as well as enhance Korea-NATO cooperation.



    Finally, the 13th Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, which took place in Ljublijana, provided excellent opportunities for me to hold multilateral as well as bilateral meetings with the thirteen OSCE member states.


    At the OSCE Conference, I emphasized the need to promote intensified interaction between the OSCE and its Asian partners. I also underlined the importance of Korea's continued cooperation with the OSCE, the largest existing regional security organization. I firmly believe that valuable lessons can be learned from the OSCE that Korea may apply in our efforts for peace in Northeast Asia.



[Korea-EU Relations]


    Dear Ambassadors and Colleagues!


    I am indeed satisfied with the steady development of the close ties between Korea and the EU.  We have forged strong bonds of partnership over the past four decades.  Our cooperative relations are expanding into an ever-broadening range of fields.


    I recall with great satisfaction the positive developments that we achieved in our relations, through active summit diplomacy with Europe as well as our expanded mutual interests.  I hope that our active interactions at various levels and exchange of visits will continue to be intensified next year.  



    I have high expectations for the Korea-EU Summit and ASEM summit that will take place in Finland next year.  We are also reviewing a plan on President Roh's visit to European countries.  These important visits will undoubtedly serve as crucial occasions to profoundly enhance our ties.  


    The rapid expansion of our bilateral trade and investment is a clear indication that the EU is a major trade and investment partner of Korea.  The EU has been the largest investor to Korea as well as the third largest export market for Korea.  


    The trade volume which had previously amounted to approximately 62 billion dollars between Korea and the EU, is quickly approaching 70 billion.  Given the economic size and diversity of the EU, I see staggering potential for continued increase in bilateral trade and investment.



    The EU enlargement has provided and will continue to provide opportunities for Korea and especially Korean companies to further strengthen our bilateral economic and trade relations with the countries of Europe.  


    There is no doubt that membership to the EU will boost the economic growth of the respective states, which in turn, will create increased demand for Korean products.  I am also very happy to mention that the Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA(European Free Trade Association)* and Korea was signed last week in Hong Kong to facilitate trade and investment between two sides.  

* EFTA members : Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein


    I hope that we will be able to take full advantage of the wide potential for further exploration and cooperation, based on the substantial achievements that have already been made.



[Inter-Korean Relations and the North Korean Nuclear Issue]


    Distinguished guests !


    As the eminent Finnish President (Kekkonen) stated, "Security is not gained by erecting fences, but gained by opening gates." I strongly feel that opening gates and minds will most effectively contribute to establishing  durable peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the Northeast Asian region.


    In line with this belief, the Korean government has been dealing with the two tasks at hand in a harmonious manner, namely, promoting inter-Korean reconciliation and peacefully resolving the North Korean nuclear issue.



    These two tasks are like the two wheels of one bicycle. If a bicycle is to go forward, the wheels must move in harmony. It is critical that a forward momentum is maintained in both the inter-Korean relations and the Six-Party Talks.


    On the inter-Korean front, significant progress in confidence-building has been achieved through such projects as the Gaesong Industrial Complex across the demilitarized zone, as well as through the installation of a hotline between military authorities.  


    The Korean Government has also been focusing on pressing humanitarian issues such as those of people who went missing during and after the Korean War and coordinating reunions between aging family members who were separated as a result of the war.



    At the 17th Inter-Korean Ministerial Talks held in Jeju, South and North Korea agreed to make active efforts to reach a peaceful resolution of the nuclear issue, easing military tensions and securing enduring peace on the Korean peninsula.  The two Koreas also agreed to expand economic cooperation and promote various humanitarian projects, such as providing more opportunities for video reunions between separated family members.


    Distinguished guests !


    We believe that there has been a great leap forward over the past year in terms of resolving the North Korean nuclear issue.


    Since its inception in August 2003 with the convening of the first round of the Six-Party Talks, the two-year process of the Six-Party Talks was an arduous and difficult process.  The ROK government put to use its close relationships with participating parties to the Six-Party Talks.


    As we have succeeded in adopting the Joint Statement and initiating the implementation negotiation, the Six-Party Talks process as a whole has entered the critical phase of substantive resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue.


    While maintaining keen guard against groundless optimism and irrational cynicism, the Korean government continues to make sincere efforts to address the North Korean nuclear issue through the Six-Party Talks process.


    A serious issue concerning suspected North Korean involvement in counterfeiting U.S. dollars and other illicit activities was recently raised through the designation of Banco Delta Asia in Macao as 'Primary Money Laundering Concern' by the U.S. government.


    The Korean government regards this problem as an issue related to a law enforcement.   It should not be an obstacle which would hinder the Six Party Talks process.


    In addition to the serious and practical approach of the Six-Party Talks participants, the continued support and help of the international community is vital to achieve the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue.  In this regard, I ask for EU member states' continued cooperation and support.  






    As we approach the end of the year, we find ourselves under the bitter cold of winter. Yet, we hold in our hearts hope for warmer weather.  The famous line of the British poet Shelley comes to my mind : "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"


    The Korean winter is well-known for being harsh and severe.  We need to survive this challenging weather, as we wait for the spring that will surely come.  Fortunately not only Korean cuisine but also the hearts of the Korean people are warm and spicy to cheer the spirit and encourage people, including all of you, to overcome any difficulties.  




    I hope that we will all bring fresh energy to the tasks ahead in a new year since the challenges before us are no easy mission to deal with.  I am confident that our common efforts and full cooperation will prove invaluable in maximizing on our strengths, enabling us to work out a good plan for the next year and prepare to sow new seeds filled with great promise for a brighter tomorrow.


    May I now propose a toast to the continued  health of everyone here, to our ever-lasting friendship, and to braving this winter, so that we may enjoy a lovely spring.


    Thank you.                                                                                  /END/