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제7차 ASEM 외무장관회의 공동 기자회견

2005-05-27 16:07:11

Distinguished Journalists, Ladies and Gentlemen,


       I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Japanese government as well as the citizens of the City of Kyoto for their dedication, which has been invaluable in ensuring the productive outcome of the 7th ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting.  It gives me great satisfaction to note that, with the active participation of the ASEM partners, this meeting has indeed been highly fruitful.  This meeting holds special significance as the first since the enlargement of ASEM to thirty-nine members last year.  


       I have a great personal attachment to the ASEM process.  My links with ASEM extend back to its very origins since I held the post of SOM Leader at the time of its launch and served as Vice Foreign Minister at the time ASEM 3 was hosted in Seoul in 2000.  The further consolidation of the ASEM process therefore holds special importance for me.


       Given the importance of Asia and Europe in world's economy, efforts to enhance inter-regional substantial cooperation are crucial for the world as well as for the two regions.  Taking the ASEM process even further forward in the future will be of great benefit to all the people around the globe.            


       At this meeting, participants have seriously engaged in useful discussions on the three pillars for cooperation in the ASEM process spanning the political, economic, social and cultural fields, as well as the future of ASEM.  


       The ASEM process has played an invaluable role in strengthening inter-regional and intra-regional cooperation between Asia and Europe.  I expect ASEM to enter a new phase of yet greater development as a central vehicle for such cooperation, building on the achievements of this meeting.  The ROK government, as a Coordinator, stands ready to play a proactive role in this process.             


       I am satisfied to be reassured of the partners' strong support for the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue.  I look forward to the international community rendering its continued support and cooperation for the peaceful resolution of the issue for the sake of peace and stability in the region and beyond.  Thank you for your kind attention.