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제7차 ASEM 외무장관회의 폐회사

2005-05-27 16:08:06


Minister Machimura, Excellencies,

Distinguished Representatives of ASEM Partners, Ladies and Gentlemen!


   I wish to once again express my sincere gratitude to the Japanese government for its tireless efforts, which have made possible the successful outcome of the Foreign Ministers' Meeting.  I believe that this meeting has indeed proved a resounding success thanks to the warm hospitality of the citizens of the City of Kyoto.  I would also like to express my deep appreciation to all here who, through their full and active participation, have played their own part in the productive outcome of this meeting.  


Dear colleagues,


       There is no need for me to reiterate the importance of these two regions to each other.  The efforts to promote dialogue and deepen cooperation between Asia and Europe are crucial not only for the development of these two regions, but indeed the world.  In light of this, the usefulness of ASEM's institution-building is undeniable.


       The aim of our gathering at this meeting has been to further promote mutual understanding on a whole gamut of issues and strengthen cooperation in all three pillars of the ASEM process, spanning such areas as the political, economic, social and cultural fields.  I would like to point to the outcomes of the deliberations on the future of ASEM in particular.  I sincerely believe that these will serve as a catalyst for the revitalization of the ASEM process, which will be celebrating its 10th anniversary next year.       


       It is important to remember that our efforts should not end here.  Having pooled our wisdom in discussing issues of common concern, we need to put our words into action. Now, it is the time for us to focus more on the deepening of the ASEM process. I look forward to the ASEM process entering a new phase of further development, bringing visible benefits to the people of all partners.


       I also take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to all of you for your strong support for the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue.  I would earnestly call upon the international community to render its continued support and cooperation for the peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula.


       Thank you for your kind attention.