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Press Releases

ROK-Hungary Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


1. Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang, Kyung-wha met with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Péter Szijjártó at 10:30-11:00, July 27, and discussed ways to promote substantive cooperation post COVID-19 and to work together on the boat accident in Hungary.


2. The two Ministers noted with appreciation that, even amid the difficult COVID-19 situation, the Republic of Korea and Hungary have worked closely together, including through exchanges of essential workforce, such as business people.


° Minister Kang welcomed the fact that the Hungarian government had started to unlimitedly permit entry from Korea into the country on July 15.


3. The two Ministers expressed satisfaction with the steady increases in trade and investment between the two countries and agreed to cooperate for continued trend even amid the COVID-19 situation.


° Minister Szijjártó, saying that the ROK had become the top investor country in Hungary in 2019, conveyed the Hungarian government’s hope that Korean companies’ investment in Hungary would increase further.


4. Minister Szijjártó explained that the Hungarian government is planning to hold the unveiling ceremony of a monument in memory of the boat accident in Hungary, expressing hope that the bereaved families would attend the ceremony.


° Minister Kang extended appreciation to the Hungarian government for planning to hold the monument unveiling ceremony following its memorial events on May 29 for the 1st anniversary of the boat accident. She went on to ask the Hungarian government to pay continued attention to thoroughly ensure accountability of those responsible for the accident.


5. The two Ministers exchanged views on cooperation between the ROK and the Visegrad Group (V4) and on the international stage, including international organizations.


° Minister Kang asked for the Hungarian government’s special interest in and support for Minister for Trade Yoo Myung-hee, who is running in the election of the next Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO).