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Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Discusses Ways to Strengthen Cooperation between ROK and UAE


1. Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, Kim Gunn, who visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE), discussed with the UAE side on June 14 the fast-track scheme between the Republic of Korea and the UAE and ways to better protect Korean nationals in the UAE amid the COVID-19 pandemic and reinforce the ROK-UAE relations in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.


o During the visit, Deputy Minister Kim paid a courtesy call on UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, met with Chief Executive Officer of ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) Onshore Yasser Al Mazrouei, and had a consultation with Assistant Minister for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Khalifa Shaheen Al Marar.


2. During Deputy Minister Kim’s visit to the UAE, the two countries agreed to establish the “ROK-UAE fast-track scheme” which will facilitate businesspeople of both countries to travel to and from each other’s country even amid COVID-19.


3. In his courtesy call on UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Abdullah, Deputy Minister Kim delivered President Moon Jae-in’s personal letter addressed to Crown Prince Mohammed, and explained that the ROK government chose the UAE as the first country to send a delegation since the outbreak of the COVID-19, in consideration of the ROK-UAE special strategic partnership and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.


o Minister Abdullah, expressing gratitude to the ROK delegation for choosing the UAE as the first country to visit since the outbreak of the pandemic, said that the UAE places great importance on and takes a huge pride in the ROK-UAE special strategic partnership, and added that we can be rightly proud of our bilateral ties to show to our future generations.


4. In addition, Deputy Minister Kim had a video conference with Assistant Minister for Political Affairs Al Marar, and discussed ways to deepen and advance the ROK-UAE relations.


o Explaining that he was working from home in Dubai, Assistant Minister Al Marar said that he had to have a video conference with Deputy Minister Kim due to the ban on movements between emirates in the UAE. The Assistant Minister expressed his hope that he would look forward to meeting him in person for further discussions as soon as the COVID-19 situation would be brought under control.


o Deputy Minister Kim asked the UAE government to continue with special care its support to ensure the safety and health of Korean nationals in the UAE. Assistant Minister Al Marar said that the UAE regards Korean nationals in the country as good as its own people, and promised that the UAE would pay the same attention to them.


o The two sides shared the view that the both sides need to step up cooperation not only in food security, such as the “project to grow rice in a desert,” which harvested the first crop in May this year, but also in other key issues like public health by sharing experiences with each other.


5. At the meeting with CEO of ADNOC Onshore Al Mazrouei, Deputy Minister Kim asked for his attention to ensure that Korean companies carry out construction projects in a safe environment.