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UN ECOSOC Adopts ROK-led “Support to Sahel Region” Resolution


1. The United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) adopted by consensus on December 10, New York time, the resolution titled “Support to the Sahel Region,” which had been drafted by the Republic of Korea (ROK).

° It is the first time a resolution drafted by the ROK has been adopted by ECOSOC. It calls for the UN to increase aid effectiveness by linking its peacebuilding efforts with its development assistance in order to fundamentally resolve security and humanitarian issues in the Sahel region.

2. The ROK has contributed actively to sustaining peace in Africa, including by serving as the chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) in 2017. The resolution, a result of such efforts, is expected to help enhance the ROK’s standing and the visibility of its role in the UN.

° Challenges facing the Sahel region, such as terrorism, underdevelopment, climate change, forced displacement and organized crime, are issues that can have great ramifications for not only Africa but also the international community. As such, they are part of the key security issues addressed by the UN.

° The ROK has stressed that for sustainable peace in the Sahel region, a comprehensive approach should be taken to peace and security, and development. The adoption of the resolution is expected to help broaden the use of such an integrated approach.

3. The ROK government will enhance its standing on the multilateral stage and continue to contribute to the UN’s efforts toward sustaining peace by continuously exploring a nexus between the UN’s peace and security activities and development activities, and playing a leading part in relevant agenda.