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Press Releases

“12th Diplomatic Talk Talk – Supporting Youth Seeking Work Overseas” to Take Place at Chungbuk National University on May 24


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold its “12th diplomatic talk talk” event at Chungbuk National University in Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, on May 24, with a focus on the Foreign Ministry’s programs aimed at supporting youth seeking work abroad.


o The upcoming “diplomatic talk talk” is part of “outreach briefing sessions,” where the Foreign Ministry informs young people of its programs designed to support youth seeking work overseas through its “global youth” campaign. The event at Chungbuk National University (Cheongju) follows such briefing sessions held at Chungnam National University, Chonbuk National University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Pusan National University, and Kyonggi University.


The diplomatic talk talk is a talk concert planned and hosted by the “Friends of MOFA,” a group of supporters consisting of undergraduates. The Foreign Ministry has held the event twice a year since September 2012 to discuss foreign affairs with youth and create consensus.


- Topics that have been dealt with so far include the 60th anniversary of the ROK-US alliance; correct understanding of Africa; talk to the Middle East - as-salamu alaykum!; international law; and programs aimed at supporting youth seeking work overseas.


2. Like the 11th diplomatic talk talk, the forthcoming event will also feature lectures and a talk concert on the Foreign Ministry’s programs aimed at supporting youth seeking overseas employment, including programs to help youth work in Japan, the public diplomacy internship program, the KF Global Challengers Program, and KOICA programs. A question-and-answer session will also take place to give answers to students’ questions regarding work abroad.


o First Secretary Kim Sang-wook from the East Asian Economic Affairs Division of the Foreign Ministry, Third Secretary Kim Hye-rim from the Cultural Cooperation Division, the Korea Foundation’s global center department manager Ahn Mi-hee, and KOICA’s deputy manager Park Heung-sik will attend the event as panelists, and give information on programs they are in charge of.


o The Foreign Ministry is also providing information on about ten programs designed to support youth seeking work abroad through its website on the global youth campaign (http://www.mofa.go.kr/youth), and posting recruitment notices on the website.


3. The forthcoming event is expected to provide young Koreans with a good opportunity to understand foreign affairs and think about their careers, including an international career. Any young people interested in programs designed to support youth seeking work abroad can participate in the event without pre-registration. The Foreign Ministry will continue efforts to expand and deepen communications with younger generations.



* unofficial translation