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Press Releases

Outcome of the ROK-Uzbekistan Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


1. On July 4, Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan met with Uzbek Foreign Minister Kamilov, who is visiting Korea on July 4-6 for the ROK-Central Asia Cooperation Forum, to exchange a wide range of views on ways to develop relations between the ROK and Uzbekistan.

2. Noting that close relations between the ROK and Uzbek leaders are playing an important role in improving relations between the two countries, the two Ministers expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ progress in cooperation in a variety of areas, including substantive areas such as energy and resource development, social and cultural exchanges, the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula, and global issues.

3. Stressing that bilateral projects currently underway, including mining projects in Namangan and Chust, and the Aral Sea, and the Surgil gas field development and gas chemical plant construction project, will create a win-win situation for both countries, Minister Kim called for Minister Kamilov’s interest and support.

4. Regarding the entry into force of an agreement between the ROK and Uzbekistan on temporary employment, an issue the ROK has interest in, Minister Kamilov promised to take necessary measures with relevant ministries to fully implement the agreement.

                     Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation